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0x1F7098E125395386b0AeFD1aeAaf3B4930E7bFDf 9

Recovery Entity supported

MelRP-Go 1


Viet Nam

Your positive impact

5 kg
recovered plastic

plastic bottles

Recovery Entity supported


Payment details

Select amount$1 = 1kg

Please enter an amount between $1 and $0 You are supporting the recovery of 5 kg of plastic.

Your price summary
5 kg of Recovered plastic
Total (USD)
Pay with card
Card payment
Please enter a valid email.
Please enter the card holder name.
Please enter a valid card number.
Please enter a valid expiration code.
Please enter a valid CVC.
Order summary
Recovery Guarantee 5 kg
$ 5
Admin fee
You will pay
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You are about to leave our NFT marketplace and visit our "About Us" page on an external website.